Our Approach to Sustainability

At KCB, sustainability is about ensuring long-term business success while contributing towards economic and social development, a healthy environment, and a stable society. We have therefore embraced Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in our operations and decision-making processes.

Our Environmental Approach


We strive to ensure we protect our environment by implementing initiatives such as green lending, financing renewable energy projects, energy-efficient technologies, tree-growing initiatives, and carbon footprint tracking.

Key Highlights Under the Environmental SDG


of loan portfolio are green loans


Ksh. 615Bn screened loans under environmental & social due diligence.


branches involved in tree planting and growing in Kenya.


trees planted in 1,423 schools.


Reduction of carbon footprint intensity per staff.


LED lighting in KCB Branch network.

Our Social Approach


We aim to support the well-being of the communities in which we operate by investing in education, health, economic empowerment, and financial literacy programmes.

Key Highlights Under the Social SDG


direct jobs were created by KCB 2jiajiri Programme.


The Differently Abled employees.


Women in Leadership Forum.


KShs. 1.7B Value of Life Assurance


KShs. 46Bn+ worth of KCB M-Pesa loans disbursed.


1.8Mn+ Mobi Loans disbursed.

Our Governance Approach


We are committed to promoting ethical behaviour and transparency in our operations by implementing strong governance measures and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, upholding best sustainability practices and internal policies.

Key Highlights Under the Governance SDG


Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) group employees belonging to a union at year end (Kenya.


of supplies signed up to the code of ethics.


employees signed the declaration forms


bancassurance policies issued.


KShs. 5.2Bn value of bancassurance premiums.


of employees completed the course.

KCB and GCF going ahead to conserve the green

In November 2020, KCB gained accreditation from The Green Climate Fund (GCF) as the first lender in Kenya to support climate mitigation and adaptation projects through green financing. The bank is able to front projects between 50 Million to 250 Million USD. This journey began with the bank’s nomination for accreditation in 2007 by the National Treasury. This created a paradigm shift in lending for KCB, allowing it to tap into green economy and increase its climate finance portfolio.

Our Sustainability Drivers

Sustainable Development Goals

We have adopted and integrated 12 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our operational goals. The SDGs provide us with a new way of looking at how our business is contributing to the needs and ambitions of society.


We committed to our sustainability journey in 2008 and for over a decade now, we have consistently sustained our efforts in pursuit of these objectives. We have adopted 12 of the 17 SDGs and integrated them into our operations with KPIs for internal initiatives. The SDGs act as a compass, providing us with a new lens for looking at our business’ contribution to society’s needs and ambitions. The adopted SDGs are further aligned with the business KPIs that are relevant to each SDG.

Transparency and Accountability

We truly believe that as society’s expectations change, we must be transparent and clear about how our products and services create value for our clients, investors, and society as a whole. KCB Group has sustained its efforts to give comprehensive reporting on its sustainability efforts, through sustainability reports.

Impact and Target Setting

As part of our commitment to responsible banking, we conduct annual materiality assessments to identify the Bank's impact on various ESG issues. We continuously conduct a materiality analysis to identify our material and impactful areas to ensure comprehensive coverage of our operations. The Bank is continuously improving the process to ensure that areas that have not yet been included in the previous analysis, are well covered in the next analysis.


KCB Group emphasises strategic partnerships as it collaborates with the Government of Kenya and United Nations agencies for community welfare and sustainability initiatives. The Bank is expanding its green portfolio through partnerships, aiming for Net Zero Emissions by 2050. This commitment involves policy alignment, capacity-building, increased green lending, and strategic collaborations.

Governance and Culture

Within the KCB Group, the Board and Executive Committee assume vital leadership roles in overseeing the Bank's sustainability initiatives. Their core responsibility centres around assessing and endorsing the sustainability framework and strategy, which provide a blueprint for the Bank's response to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges. Moreover, the Bank has established a comprehensive set of policies to govern its operational processes. These policies encompass the sustainability policy, aiming to enhance customer value, the gender and financial inclusion policy, the stakeholder policy, and the credit policy.

Clients & Customers

Customers remain at the heart of everything we do, and through our years of operation, we have built resilience in organisations, societies, and economies where we operate. We adopted strong propositions for each segment of our customer base and offered the products they demanded.

Impact Stories