Whistle Blowing Procedures

This document details the procedures to be followed by employees and other third parties for Confidential, anonymous reporting of misconduct; which is defined as an “intentional or negligent failure” by an employee to observe the KCB Code of Ethical Conduct.

The hotline/helpline whistle blower system is limited in scope to issues regarding:

  1. Financial irregularity
  2. Anti-bribery and corruption,
  3. Internal accounting controls,
  4. Questionable accounting or auditing matters.

All other internal reports concerning wrongdoing/misconduct which encompass broader subject matters, including for example employment and labour complaint topics should be reported as detailed in the;

  1. Policy on the Internal Disclosure of Information Concerning Wrongdoing.
  2. Procedure for raising concerns/complaints from staff.

Whistle Blower Protection At Kcb Group

The Group recognizes whistleblowing as one important way to ensure good governance. The Group operates a working environment that supports and ultimately protects employees who, in good faith, report instances of suspected misconduct. KCB has a viable whistleblowing protection mechanism that is designed to balance the interests of the Group and the subject of the complaint of misconduct, without jeopardizing the protection owed to those employees who ‘blow the whistle’

  1. It is the duty of KCB staff members to report instances of suspected misconduct to the Ethics Manager.
  2. It is the Group’s duty to protect from reprisal action staff members who, in good faith, comply with their duty to report their suspicions of misconduct.